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Today, we celebrated the importance of learning and speaking another language.

Our Language Celebrations began with an Assembly filled with idioms, and concluded with the most famous Canon of all times - Frère Jaques! 

Our Language Ambassadors thought about ten items they liked, then wrote descriptions in a foreign language. They spent the day answering questions, from their curious friends, who were trying to guess the words' meanings! 

The boys loved eating the 'sablés bretons' for snacks and 'merguez and couscous' served at lunch time, not to mention the delicious 'tarte aux pommes'!

Had you been a fly on the wall in Form 1 you would have heard morning registration being taken in languages from around the globe (even Mongolian!) We enjoyed a cheery Spanish greetings song with lots of actions, followed by a reflective traditional Spanish tale. Meanwhile, Reception were busily looking at flags and making language balloons.

We all came together during Pre-Prep Assembly where we listened to “Schellen Ursli” a story about a boy who lives in the mountains of the Engadin in Switzerland and, with a little help from the Language Ambassadors, we sang and energetically danced the Gouzi-Gouzi  (the Hokey Cokey)  in French.