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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


Our financial awards programme will provide children with a unique opportunity to access our incredible facilities and be taught by specialist teachers. 

We would like as many talented children as possible to benefit from our superb education.


To commemorate the 500th anniversary celebrations of Christ Church, our newest award is for pupils looking to join Reception or Year 1, either mid-year or starting from September. 

Youngsters who demonstrate an enquiring mind and the aptitude to flourish and bloom in our School will be offered a 50% discount on tuition fees.

Eligibility criteria is based on an informal assessment with our Heads of Pre-Prep and Early Years.

Assessment will be ongoing throughout the year. Early application is encouraged to avoid disappointment.

In order to apply, please contact the Registrar, who will be delighted to arrange an assessment appointment.


Our Cardinal Scholarship Programme, named after our first founder, Cardinal Wolsey, is designed to reward excellence and celebrate exceptional talent. We invite candidates demonstrating academic promise to apply for this scholarship, which lasts from the beginning of Year 4 until the end of Year 8. A Cardinal Scholarship entitles successful pupils to a 30% remission in annual fees as well as to our academic enrichment programme.

Who is eligible?

Cardinal Scholarships are open to internal or external candidates in current Year 3. Once a boy is awarded a scholarship, he retains this throughout his time at CCCS. An Academic Scholarship comes with an expectation that the holder will be an academic leader in his year group, both in lessons and outside the classroom. Throughout his time at the school, he will be expected to take part in a programme of intellectual activities which will help prepare him for exams and perhaps scholarships to senior schools.

How much is the Cardinal Scholarship worth?

Scholarships of 15% of the school fees will be offered (applicable until the end of Year 8). The school can offer additional financial support to parents who could not otherwise afford their sons to attend the school; please contact the school office to discuss this.

What are we looking for in a scholarship candidate?

CCCS is looking for perpetually curious and adventurous boys showing academic potential.

How are pupils selected?

Assessment will be through an informal interview with the Headmaster and a test in English and Maths.

How does a candidate apply?

Please click here for the Scholarship Application Form or contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson,

How are candidates informed of test results?

Candidates will be informed in writing within two weeks of attending the scholarship assessment whether they have been successful, and will have two weeks to accept the award.

Can we visit the school before applying?

Yes, of course. Please contact Lisa Johnson to arrange a school tour via: or call 01865 242561.

Does CCCS offer other scholarships?

Yes. To support the school’s ethos of encouraging excellence across all areas of school life, CCCS offers The Simon Arnold Music Tuition Scholarship for boys in Years 4 – 8. This co-funds annual music (piano or keyboard) tuition for four pupils of the School who are members of either Worcester College Chapel Choir or Pembroke College Chapel Choir. The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis at a value of £500 per pupil and are made for one academic year (subject to Worcester College Chapel Choir or Pembroke College Chapel Choir membership). The likelihood is that this will be renewed for the duration of the pupil's time in the choir. Established in 2020, the Programme is supported by the generosity of the School's Alumnus, Old Exeter Head Chorister and Old Worcester Chorister, Simon Arnold (CCCS, 1966 – 1971).

For further details, please contact the School’s Registrar, Lisa Johnson,



All Cathedral Choristers receive a bursary equivalent to two thirds of fees to support their education at Christ Church Cathedral School and in cases of genuine hardship additional, means-tested fee remission may be available of up to 100%. The Bursar can also provide information about a range of charities (such as the Ouseley Trust and the Choir Schools’ Association) which are willing to support choristerships by means of annual grants.

Our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, would be happy to provide guidance regarding the next steps for your child. You can contact her on telephone +44 (0)1865 242561 or email