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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


Pre-Prep pupils at CCCS are kept active and engaged.

Our pupils participate in one PE lesson and one Games lesson a week. The PE curriculum consists of aspects of physical literacy, including activities in Gymnastics, Dance and ball skills. During outdoor Games sessions, our pupils start to learn the basic skills needed to participate in the School's major sports of Rugby, Football, Cricket and Hockey. These are all taught by specialist PE and Games staff and utilise the same extensive sports facilities as the older pupils.   

“Straight across the road, boys play cricket, rugby and football on the pristine pitch overlooking Christ Church, Corpus Christi, and Merton colleges – you have to see it to believe it (and you probably have seen it, it’s on a million postcards)”

Muddy Stilettos. 

During Year 2, we start to give our pupils the opportunity to participate in non-competitive fixtures against other schools. During these sessions, the emphasis is purely on our pupils having fun and gaining experience.

To arrange a tour of our school and meet with our Headmaster, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, on +44 (0)1865 242561 or by email.