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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


From amongst our pupils are drawn the Choristers of Worcester College (day boys), whose commitment is to two services per week during the University term. 

Boys learn all aspects of choral performance and, like their Cathedral counterparts, give concerts, tour (Norway and Italy in recent years) and make CD recordings and broadcasts. 

Rehearsals take place in school at 8am three mornings per week, and Tuesday and Sunday evensong services are sung in the spectacular surroundings of Worcester College Chapel. Boys receive training from the undergraduate Organ Scholars and from Worcester's professional Director of Chapel Music, as well as weekly singing lessons.

Auditions - involving aural tests and the singing of a solo piece - are arranged in school by our Director of Music, and boys generally join the Choir in Form 4 (aged 8).

The Worcester College Choir is considered to be one of the best College chapel choirs in Oxford and any boy who becomes a Worcester Chorister will have a choral education second to none undertaken in an unforgettable setting.


  To arrange a tour of our school and meet with our Headmaster, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, on +44 (0)1865 242561 or by email.