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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


We make full use of our Woodland School over on the Meadow and go on regular class outings to support current learning.

The natural environment provides a backdrop to our lessons across the curriculum. Alongside work on the curriculum we look at ways of boosting the natural habitat for wildlife, encouraging the children’s awareness of the world around them and how fragile it is. Key features are several bird and bat boxes, hedgehog homes, frog shelters, bug and butterfly lodging. Academically we choose a cross-section of subject areas to enhance, but the main skills encouraged throughout are problem-solving and independent learning. With key skills in place we go on to develop:

LITERACY through storytelling, sounds and sights around them, mark-making on a variety of surfaces (for EYFS) and creative thinking using discoveries and hidden words etc.

NUMERACY through measures, gauging distances and height of trees, shapes and angles etc. 

ART & TECHNOLOGY through making our boundary flags from old posts, natural weaving, pulley systems, woodcraft etc.


The possibilities are numerous and teaching within a natural environment is proved to aid focus and self-discipline. Our natural world is constantly in danger; we hope that while, academically, the children's studies will benefit from the woodland teaching environment, we will instil within them a respect for their world. 

To arrange a tour of our school and meet with our Headmaster, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, on +44 (0)1865 242561 or by email.