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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


Outside the classroom, we try to engage with our wider community and offer a positive impact. 

Music lies at the core of our School and plays a key role in its life. It belongs to its oldest traditions, stretching back to the foundation of Christ Church in 1546.

We run a music outreach program in which we invite primary schools to visit us for two sessions of learning and participation in music. Our Director of Music, Sophie Biddell, works with the children and their teachers to develop their singing, and several of our Cathedral Choristers talk to the children about their lives and perform to them. The children are also given a tour of the Cathedral and the College (including the ever-popular Harry Potter staircase). 

The schools which have visited us are then invited back to perform in a concert, with our choristers, to their parents.

Any primary school which would like to take part in the programme is welcome to contact us.

We take our charitable responsibilities seriously and raise significant amounts of money for local charities, partly through Enterprise Day, when boys very much take the initiative.

We currently work with the following charities:

  •  The Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund, which supports sport in less advantaged areas of the country.
  • Oxford Mutual Aid, a local charity which offers 170 households food, toiletries, and baby supplies, and delivers nearly 100 emergency food parcels every week.
  • Muscular dystrophy, is the leading charity for over 60 muscle-wasting and weakening conditions.
  • Friends of St Michael's School Uganda, is focused on children, teachers, and staff welfare, and takes a holistic approach to support the education of the circa 1,500 children across the three schools in the rural village of Namunyumya. 

Our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, would be happy to provide guidance regarding the next steps for your child. You can contact her on telephone +44 (0)1865 242561 or email