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Year 1's trip to the Museum of Natural History

With the sun shining brightly, Year 1 embarked on their school trip...

As part of our 'Animals' topic in Science, the children were tasked with hunting for interesting specimens from each of the main animal groups.

Typically, they threw themselves into the challenge with gusto, discovering fantastic examples of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish, and invertebrates. Favourite creatures included a gigantic Nile Crocodile, an impressive Leatherback Turtle, a majestic Golden Eagle, a prickly Porcupine, a breathtaking Giant Spider Crab, and a cute and cuddly Koala.

Following our adventure at the museum, we enjoyed a sunny picnic and walk in University Parks, capped off with some much-needed refreshing ice-cream!

At CCCS, we are truly blessed to have such wonderful learning opportunities right on our doorstep, and in Pre-Prep, we certainly make the most of taking our learning outside and enjoying all that Oxford has to offer.