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At CCCS, we cater for boys with a wide range of Special Educational Needs as long as they fall broadly within the top three-quarters of the population academically.

Our staff are experienced at supporting boys with Special Educational Needs, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and speech and language difficulties. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Mrs Anna Fairhurst, works closely with staff and parents to ensure that the right support is in place for each boy.

Once we have identified a boy as having SEN requirements we give him a pupil profile which has been written after consultation with parents and staff. This is circulated to all teachers so that the most targeted help can be given. Termly meetings will then be held with parents and progress will be analysed using data from tests undertaken by all pupils and by data supplied by teachers. For those who need it, we are able to withdraw boys from lessons for specialist support in areas such as maths, reading and spelling. We also have a specialist teacher of English as an Additional Language.

We are proud of how well our boys with Special Educational Needs or English as an Additional Language learn. Our small class sizes (especially for English and Mathematics from Year 5 upwards) and the personal attention they receive, mean that they make well above nationally expected progress. The SENCO welcomes the opportunity to meet with any parents who wish to discuss their son’s needs before you consider sending him to CCCS and will ensure that before they start, appropriate provision has been put in place.

To arrange a tour of our school and meet with our Headmaster, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, on +44 (0)1865 242561 or by email.