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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13

CCCS helps The Gatehouse Oxford to raise over £20,000!

We are delighted to share that The Gatehouse, Oxford has enjoyed a fabulous Winter Appeal after raising over £20,000! This is more than double the original target they set - a fantastic achievement!

During the Winter Appeal, which ran from last November until last month, Miss Browne and her Enrichment class pounded the streets of Oxford to distribute leaflets promoting the appeal.

We were told that this support was "one of the key reasons the appeal did so well" as donations were received by some people who may have otherwise been completely unaware of the campaign.

Well done to Miss Browne and the boys who helped to make this appeal such a great success!

You can read more about the Winter Appeal here - Winter Appeal results - you helped us to smash the target! - The Gatehouse Oxford