All three meals are served in our Dining Hall. All food is cooked on-site by Peter Kilby, our Head Chef, who supervises a talented catering team and ensures that the pupils receive a nourishing and well-balanced diet.
Fruit and vegetables are locally sourced and supplied by the Covered Market and Rectory Farm. Meat is supplied by a local butcher. Lunch is the main meal of the day and consists of a cooked meal, alongside a well-stocked salad bar. In addition, desserts and fruit are always provided.
Menus are a mixture of traditional English cuisine and food from throughout the world. Every term we have a theme day, where a particular cuisine is produced. We have had a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year and West Indian Food on Pirate Day.
We will always cater for individual culinary needs where at all possible, taking into consideration medical, cultural and religious requirements. Pupils are taught about the importance of a balanced diet and table manners are important. Pupils eat with members of staff who encourage lunchtime conversation. Snacks are provided at break time and for those doing prep at school.
Our menus operate on a three-week rotation basis. Please see example menus attached below.
Our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, would be happy to provide guidance regarding the next steps for your child. You can contact her on telephone +44 (0)1865 242561 or email