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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


Drama is valued at CCCS because it helps our pupils develop self-confidence, teamwork skills and articulacy. Of course, it is also great fun!

One advantage of our small size is that anybody who wants a significant part in a play can have one, often several times a year. We have four main annual productions. The Pre-Prep Nativity and Year 3 and 4 Musical are collaborations between our Drama and Music staff, allowing our pupils to show their irrepressibility and demonstrate their singing skill, often in multiple parts. In the Hilary (Spring) term, the School Play for Years 5 - 8 is usually written by our Classics teacher, Mr Richards. Once he knows who would like to be in the play he writes a story with parts designed for each boy. Finally, in the Trinity (Summer) term, we make the most of our beautiful field with woodland backdrop to perform an abridged version of a classic play, usually Shakespeare: this play is open to any interested pupil from Years 3 to 8.

A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Drama, of course, is much more than large-scale productions. Each class has a weekly Drama lesson, and Drama is used as a tool in several subjects. We have an annual poetry recital competition in which every boy from Year 3 upwards learns a poem and performs it to his class, with a final before the whole school and parents. In Year 8, boys perform a play to the rest of the school in French. 

Those who would like to enhance their Drama skill can study for LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) awards, in classes led by our Head of English, Mr Farmer. 

Pupils also have the opportunity to develop their appreciation of theatre through visits to productions: recent trips have included a pantomime for younger pupils, trips to the New Theatre and the ballet of Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford. 

The Tempest
The Tempest

To arrange a tour of our school and meet with our Headmaster, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, on +44 (0)1865 242561 or by email.