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Private Independent Day School for Boys 3 - 13 & Girls 3 - 7, Flexi-Boarding for Boys 8 - 13


We want our children to be inspired by Maths and to continue studying it to as high a level as possible. We aim to develop a thorough understanding of the subject, as well as fostering the children’s enthusiasm and confidence in it.

The activities are organised so that the children may work as a class, in groups or as individuals. In the Pre-Prep, the National Curriculum schemes of work form the basis on which mathematical activities and experience are developed. In the Prep, the curriculum is delivered through the school's own junior, middle and senior school schemes of work linked with the leading edge of the National Curriculum guidelines.

Up to Year 4, Maths is taught by class teachers; in Years 5 to 8 boys are taught by specialists and they are put into sets reflecting their respective abilities. In these sets, the teacher-pupil ratio is extremely favourable with numbers ranging from between seven and twelve children. This enables effective consolidation for the lower set and greater depth of learning and acceleration for the upper set resulting in rapid improvement and progress for all.

In Years 7 and 8, the programme of study places an emphasis on the traditional core of sound Maths teaching reflecting Independent School practice (with its Common Entrance and Scholarship examination targets) together with incorporating the best of the National Curriculum, the amalgam of which takes the pupils into the initial part of the GCSE syllabus before they leave.